It is all finalized! The kids and I have our passports in hand with the beautiful, yellow visa sticker in them! We are now cleared to live and travel back and forth (if we want) out of the country! I am super excited to have this major step completed and out of the way! We had two months to spare and not even a hiccup or anything went wrong! Wes' company paid and did most of all the leg work for us, which I am very thankful for. Back in 2002, when we were preparing to leave for a year stay in PNG (we did 9 months total) the visa process was a horrible experience! It was full of drama...hmm, there was stolen money, lost papers, high priced middle men, hijacked passports, and talk of getting lawyers and state Senators involved! It is a fun story to tell now but, wow, it was not fun then. How do you spell r-e-l-i-e-f? Why its spelled...VISA APPROVED!
I also know another way to spell relief. Its spelled...MASSAGE, FEVERFEW, MEDICINE and PRAYER!
A week and half ago I believe I hurt my back while packing up the kitchen. I don't recall "hurting" it, but I assume I strained it. I was walking into Lowes to pick up more packing tape and all of a sudden I had shooting pain that radiated around my kidneys and shoot up my back! Every step was painful, but I figured it was from hours of bending over cardboard boxes that morning and afternoon. By the evening I had a severe migraine as well! I think it was brought on by the pain. I used to have migraines all the time, but my friend, Mrs. Aldridge introduced the herb Feverfew to me and it helped prevent an attack for about 10 years.
I was disappointed because this all started on the first evening of our Bible conference and I wasn't going to miss it since this would be the last conference for a long time! I took some migraine medicine, drank lots of water and put a smile on my face everyday so no one would know I was feeling horrible. The headache lasted 8 days! I finally called my mom, Joyce Rasmussen, 5 days into the migraine begging for a massage and relief from the pain. She is a certified massage therapist. She happily came and did a three hour trigger point massage in the evening and then did a three hour massage the next day! Mrs. Aldridge also rushed over more doses of fresh Feverfew as well! I felt spoiled by all the love and help in trying to get rid of the pain. Its terrible to go to sleep and wake up with blurry vision and a throbbing headache. But, with all the amazing treatments and prayer the headache finally dissipated! Relief is also spelled...PAIN FREE!
Needless to say, I did not get much packing done in those 8 days! But, I am now going to go full throttle again! I can't wait until I spell relief another way. Soon, I will spell it, FINISHED!
Someone once reminded me that I was not superwoman. I wholeheartedly agree with that but,... I am Jane of the Jungle! Come follow me as I tell of the adventures of the Wells family in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Where it's not uncommon to see men with mud on their faces and women carrying groceries on their head.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Letting Go
I've been going through ups and downs this past week with my emotions! I would love to tell you that I am tough and never cry. I would be lying to you (just ask my friend Linda who wrote a poem about my tears!). I started to become overwhelmed with all the projects that need to be accomplished before leaving. I was feeling discouraged and down in the dumps. Despair was starting to creep up into my heart. Its an ugly thing when we start to feel sorry for ourselves! Just when I thought I would give way to screaming, Wes called through on Skype! He has a way of calming my "what ifs" and "I can't do it" attitude. I bawled.
I told him how I was struggling with letting go. Letting go of furniture, toys, clothes, and all kinds of other miscellaneous things (like letting go of leaving America, my family, etc) Wes would be proud of me that I have been selling, selling and doing more selling, but I get annoyed with myself for getting choked up over stupid things! I am even more sentimental with family heritage stuff, especially when it comes to pictures, baby items, and heirlooms (although I don't have many). I cried when I lovingly wrapped up some items in bubble wrap and marked the box with my children's names. I could not help but think that the next time I would see those items would be when I possibly pass it onto my future daughter-in-laws. My mother-in-law did the same thing so many years before (getting ready to leave for PNG) and I was the future recipient of some of her beautiful possessions! Wes encouraged me and I felt a little more life creep back into my body.
I was going through my jewelry box later that evening and I found my class ring from years ago. I read the inscription I had put on the band. It said, "Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." That's right! I was neglecting to let God strengthen me! I needed to give all my worries and emotions back to Him (can you tell I struggle with this in my life?)!
God helped strengthen me through my friend, Juanita, the next morning. She called me up and rescued me from the chaos of packing. We spent the entire morning and afternoon out eating and shopping! I had so much fun with her. I'm so thankful for friends that will help "strengthen" me and put a smile back on my face!
So, today I am back at making decisions about our things, but with a better attitude! I've decided that this life purging session is actually good for myself and our family! With every item that leaves the house, I feel a little lighter and less weighed down by my worldly possessions. I have set up the dining room as "command central". This is where the heart of all the sorting and packing is happening! Closets and drawers are being emptied and put in here. It is chaotic to say the least! I do have one room in the house where I find comfort (and ice cream)...that room would be my new lovely kitchen! I feel at peace in there. This place makes me happy when I go and get a drink of water! Its the ONLY room in the whole house that is not being torn apart. Please continue to pray that I will stay focused and not let my emotions try to take over me again! I have been blessed with so many families who have made a commitment to pray for us...and for that I am truly thankful!
I told him how I was struggling with letting go. Letting go of furniture, toys, clothes, and all kinds of other miscellaneous things (like letting go of leaving America, my family, etc) Wes would be proud of me that I have been selling, selling and doing more selling, but I get annoyed with myself for getting choked up over stupid things! I am even more sentimental with family heritage stuff, especially when it comes to pictures, baby items, and heirlooms (although I don't have many). I cried when I lovingly wrapped up some items in bubble wrap and marked the box with my children's names. I could not help but think that the next time I would see those items would be when I possibly pass it onto my future daughter-in-laws. My mother-in-law did the same thing so many years before (getting ready to leave for PNG) and I was the future recipient of some of her beautiful possessions! Wes encouraged me and I felt a little more life creep back into my body.
I was going through my jewelry box later that evening and I found my class ring from years ago. I read the inscription I had put on the band. It said, "Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." That's right! I was neglecting to let God strengthen me! I needed to give all my worries and emotions back to Him (can you tell I struggle with this in my life?)!
God helped strengthen me through my friend, Juanita, the next morning. She called me up and rescued me from the chaos of packing. We spent the entire morning and afternoon out eating and shopping! I had so much fun with her. I'm so thankful for friends that will help "strengthen" me and put a smile back on my face!

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